Akathists and Prayer books

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Akathist to the Resurrection of Christ

Akathist to the Resurrection of Christ

Original title: Акафист Воскресению Христову Publisher: Blagovest, 2017 Language: Russian Pages: 48 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0553-2 Dimensions: 105*2*150 mm Cover: hard The brochure presents the text of the akathist to the Resurrection...
Akathist to the Monk Seraphim, Seraphim of Sarov

Akathist to the Monk Seraphim, Seraphim of Sarov

Original title: Акафист преподобному Серафиму, Саровскому чудотворцу Publisher: Blagovest, 2016 Language: Russian Pages: 32 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0502-0 Dimensions: 105*2*150 mm Cover: soft The brochure presents the text of the akathist to...
Akathist to the Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon of Her "Most Holy Mother of God

Akathist to the Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon of Her "Most Holy Mother of God

Original title: Акафист Пресвятой Богородице в честь иконы Ее "Всецарица" Publisher: Blagovest, 2015 Language: Russian Pages: 32 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0440-5 Dimensions: 105*2*150 mm Cover: soft
Akathist zu den Allerheiligsten Theotokos zu Ehren der Ikone "Gottesmutter von Kasan"

Akathist zu den Allerheiligsten Theotokos zu Ehren der Ikone "Gottesmutter von Kasan"

Original title: Акафист Пресвятой Богородице в честь иконы Ее "Казанская" Editor: Blagovest, 2012 Language: Russian Pages: 32 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0214-2 Dimensions: 107*165 mm Cover: soft The edition contains the akathist of...
Akathist to the Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon of Her "Childbirth helper"

Akathist to the Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon of Her "Childbirth helper"

Original Title: Акафист Пресвятой Богородице в честь иконы Ее "Помощница в родах" Editor: Blagovest, 2015 Language: Russian Pages: 48 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0459-7 Dimensions: 105*3*150 mm Cover: soft
Akathist to the Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon of Her "Housekeeping"

Akathist to the Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon of Her "Housekeeping"

Original title: Акафист Пресвятой Богородице в честь иконы Ее "Экономисса" Editor: Blagovest, 2015 Language: Russian Pages: 48 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0455-9 Dimensions: 107*4*150 mm Cover: soft
Akathist of Saint Luke the Blessed Surgeon, Archbishop of Crimea

Akathist of Saint Luke the Blessed Surgeon, Archbishop of Crimea

Original Title: Акафист святителю Луке исповеднику, архиепископу Крымскому Editor: Blagovest, 2017 Language: Russian Pages: 48 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0566-2 Dimensions: 105*3*150 mm Cover: soft The Blagovest Publishing House has published the text...
Akathist of St. Nicholas, Saint Nicholas of Myra

Akathist of St. Nicholas, Saint Nicholas of Myra

Original Title: Акафист святителю Николаю, Мирликийскому чудотворцу Editor: Blagovest, 2016 Language: Russian Pages: 48 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0520-4 Dimensions: 105*2*150 mm Cover: soft
Akathist of Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg

Akathist of Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg

Original Title:  Акафист Святой блаженной Ксении петербургской Herausgeber: Blagowest, 2014 Sprache: Russisch Seiten: 32 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0343-9 Abmessungen: 107*2*150 mm Umschlag: weih Taschenbuch
Akathist of Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous

Akathist of Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous

Original Title:  Акафист святителю Спиридону, Тримифунтскому чудотворцу Editor: Blagovest, 2016 Language: Russian Pages: 48 ISBN: 978-5-9968-0521-1 Dimensions: 107*2*150 mm Cover: soft
Akathist to the Saint Matrona of Moscow

Akathist to the Saint Matrona of Moscow

Original Title:  Акафист Святой Матроне Московской Editor: Blagowest, 2016 Language: Russisch Pages: 32 ISBN:978-5-9968-0500-6 Sizes: 105*2*150 mm Cover: weih Pocket book 
Akathist of an Orthodox woman My soul cries out to God

Akathist of an Orthodox woman My soul cries out to God

Original Title:  Акафист православной женщины. Моя душа взывает к Богу Editor: Blagowest, 2018 Language: Russisch Pages: 336 ISBN:978-5-9968-0580-8 Sizes: 115*17*170 mm Cover: hard The book was published to help brides,...