deals of the week
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Yellow paraffin candles with wax added N100, length 16.5 cm, diameter 5.7 mm, burning time 45 min
from €14,99
EXKLUSIVE BRENNMASSE & BAUMWOLLDOCHT - Gelbe Klosterkerzen enthalten reinen Paraffin und natürlichen Bienenwachszusatz von hoher Qualität . Dünne Kerzen aus eigener Herstellung für den kirchlichen und ritualen GebrauchTROPF- UND RUßFREI -...
Yellow paraffin candles with wax added N140, length 16 cm, diameter 5 mm, burning time 30 min
from €15,99
EXCLUSIVE COMPOSITION & COTTON WICK - Yellow Candles contain high quality pure paraffin and natural added beeswax. Thin candles from our own production for church and ritual use DRIP AND SOOT...
Yellow paraffin candles with wax added N20, length 30.5 cm, diameter 9.6 mm, burning time 3 hours
from €15,99
EXCLUSIVE COMPOSITION & COTTON WICK - Yellow Candles contain high quality pure paraffin and natural added beeswax. Thin candles from our own production for church and ritual useDRIP AND SOOT FREE...
500 pcs. yellow beeswax candles N40 I length 26.5 cm I ⌀ 7,15 mm I burning time 120 min I 5 kg pack
EXCLUSIVE COMPOSITION & 100% COTTON WICK - Yellow candles contain pure high quality beeswax. Thin candles from our own production for church and ritual use DRIP AND SOOT FREE - The...