Paschal fasting period for Orthodox Christians!

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The Paschal fasting period is a time when many Orthodox Christians follow special dietary rules by abstaining from certain products and refraining from foods of certain origins. This period, preceding the greatest Christian festival - Easter, is filled with spiritual practices and the pursuit of soul purification.

What is allowed:

  1. Plant-based foods: Vegetables, fruits, herbs, grains, nuts, and legumes - all these are acceptable foods during the Paschal fasting period. Their consumption not only contributes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also strengthens the spiritual connection.

  2. Seafood: Fish and seafood are often part of the diet during fasting, especially on Wednesdays and Fridays when strict fasting is observed. They enrich the diet and provide the body with necessary nutrients.

  3. Plant oils: Olive oil, sunflower oil, and other plant oils are allowed for consumption during fasting.

  4. Water: It is important to maintain hydration and drink enough water throughout the day.

What it is better to refrain from:

  1. Meat: Fasting involves abstaining from meat and meat products. This time is dedicated to spiritual purification, so abstaining from meat is a natural step on this path.

  2. Dairy products: Some believers also abstain from dairy products during the Paschal fasting period.

  3. Eggs: Although eggs are sometimes used in cooking, it is recommended not to consume them during traditional fasting.

  4. Alcohol: It is also recommended to refrain from alcohol during fasting to focus on spiritual growth and purification.

Adhering to these fasting rules helps Orthodox Christians engage more deeply in spiritual practices and prepare for the Easter celebration. It is not only a time of abstaining from certain foods but also a time to deepen faith and unite with others in the spirit of community and love.